
Hearts of iron iv division templates
Hearts of iron iv division templates

Anti-tank artillery support increases hard attack and penetration.Anti-aircraft artillery increases anti-aircraft defense.Military police increases the value of pacification, making the division better able to deal with rebellions and guerrillas.Signal significantly increases the organization of the division and the Initiative.Recon increases the reconnaissance value of a division, which increases the chance of countering enemy tactics in combat.Additionally, it allows you to “steal” the enemy’s equipment during fights. Engineers increases the reliability of a Division’s equipment, which reduces equipment losses due to exhausion or combat.Useful when fighting in areas with a very low infrasructure factor, or when you use a lot of mobile equipment. Logistics reduces the consumption of supplies and fuel.

hearts of iron iv division templates

Field hospital reduces the loss of human resources and the loss of experience as a result of incurred losses.Additionally, they allow the division to dig in, which greatly increases its defensive value when it holds its position and does not move. Mainterance reduce combat penalties and increase division speed in difficult terrain.If we don’t need a company, we do not take it! Each additional company, apart from some positive value, worsens other statistics of our division. This division is only used to pacify the resistance on the conquered provinces. Mechanized division is better than motorized but is more expensive. I do not recommend using these divisions because they are not much better than infantry and use a lot of fuel. Special Infantry (Mountain, Paratropers, Marines) I recommend using a motorized infantry first, and later when you can afford to change it to a mechanized infantry. Later, I recommend to change them to modern tanks that are a combination of all three types of tanks. Important: You can change medium tanks to light ones. Probably banned in most MP games, and will destroy anything they face in singleplayer.Higher production costs, but these divisions are nearly unstoppable.Better than 20 width 6/4 division but much more expensive.Important: You can change artillery to rocket artillery Tanks Weak in defense so I would support them with 20 width divisions. Thanks to the huge amount of anti-live attack, it perfectly destroys enemy infantry.

hearts of iron iv division templates

  • This is an artillery division, so the infantry specialist will not increase its statistics.
  • This is a very universal approach, as 11 infantry battalions will be able to maintain their newly acquired position and gain new ones.
  • I recommend using it only in countries that have an infantry specialist.
  • The cheapest infantry division 40 width.
  • Useful only if the opponent has a lot of tanks.
  • Use only when you can’t afford better or as cannon fodder.
  • Good in low supply areas like Africa or Asia.
  • Good starter division, but weaker than 40 width divisions in almost every situation.
  • I described all statistics, support companies, and tips about division design at the end of the guide. I didn’t give photos of divisions statistics because they are different for different equipment.
  • Special Infantry (Mountain, Paratropers, Marines).

  • Hearts of iron iv division templates